People judge the quality of your business writing on your content and your writing skills. You are an expert in your field, but your managers and colleagues also expert you to communicate your ideas well. Careless grammar mistakes are distracting and undermine your credibility.
Do this course and you’ll feel more confident more confident about your writing and make fewer grammatical and style errors.
Testimonial for a professional editor
‘This course was extremely enlightening; so much so that I am going to register members of my staff.’
Content of the course
This course is divided into five sections.
- Grammar
- Agreement
- Pronoun
- Breakable rules?
- Nonsense rules
- Punctuation
- Apostrophes
- Commas
- Colons and semicolons
- Hyphens
- Sentences and words
- Structure
- Active and passive voice
- Tighten your sentences
- Commonly confused words
- Style
- Capitals
- Dates
- Styles
- Lists
- Revision
Each section has information you can download and a variety of quiz types.
This course is also available for can be tailored for your organisation based on your styles. Email us or ring +61 2 9365 7711 for more information.
Content creator
This course is written by Mary Morel. She based it on the common mistakes she’s seen teaching business writing and reviewing and editing documents.