Grammar Terms
Learn grammar terms with an online course
You need to know basic grammar jargon to make sense of grammar rules, or even just help your kids with their homework.
Maybe you don’t want or need an in-depth knowledge. For instance, do you care what a ‘gerund’ is? But it is helpful to know about terms such as nouns, verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, subjects, clauses and phrases. (By the way, a gerund is a verb form acting as a noun. For example, knitting.)
This online grammar course consists of videos, PDFs you can download and quizzes to help the terms stick in your memory.
Buy now for just A$19.95
‘I thoroughly enjoyed this online grammar course and the many ‘Aha moments’! What I found fascinating was the section that focused on parts of a sentence. Goodness, I had forgotten so many pertinent rules. Refreshing and fun to do.’
‘A useful course. I never knew the names of different verbs, pronouns or sentence types before.’
Course content
Developed by Mary Morel, this online grammar course covers:
- Parts of speech (also known as word classes): nouns, verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, determiners, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns
- Different types of nouns
- Different types of verbs
- Elements of a sentence: subjects, objects, clauses, phrases
- Sentence types: simple sentences, complex sentences, compound sentences
- Glossary (you can print this off as a handy reference)