Online Writing Training
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Word choice
A and an | when to use them
A useful spelling rule
Advice and advise
Adviser or advisor?
Affect and effect
All ready and already
Although and though
Altogether versus all together
Anymore versus any more
Appendix, addendum, annexure and attachment
Appraise versus apprise
Around versus round
Assure, ensure and insure
Biannual, biennial and bimonthly
But and however
Can you use criteria and data with a singular verb?
Careen versus career
Chair, chairman or chairperson
Choose words with care in business writing
Commonly confused words test
Compared with and compared to
Complement versus compliment
Compound nouns create new words
Continually and continuously
Coordinate or co-ordinate?
Decision making or decision-making?
Dependant and dependent
Deprecate versus depreciate
Desert and dessert
Different from, different than and different to
Discreet and discrete
Disinterested versus uninterested
Disorganised and unorganised
Elicit versus illicit
Eminent and imminent
Empathetic and empathic
Enough: where does it go in a sentence?
Enquire vs inquire
Farther and further
Fewer and less
Flammable and inflammable
Flaunt versus flout
Focused or focussed?
Forums or fora
Got, but and that – words we love to hate
Homed and honed
Imply and infer
Inauthentic and unauthentic
Incidence and incident
Insidious and invidious
Judgement versus judgment
Latin expressions and italics
Learned or learnt?
Loose and lose
Nauseous vs nauseated
Nominalisation: the power of verbs
Only: position in a sentence
Palindrome: a definition and examples
Persons and people
Plural of status
Practical and practicable
Practice and practise
Premise or premises
Principal and principle
Proportional and proportionate
Sitting or seating arrangements
Staff or staffs
Than and then
That: When can you delete ‘that’?
There, they’re, there
Titled or entitled?
Toward or towards?
Turning verbs into nouns (nominalisation)
Unchartered and uncharted
Use the ‘right’ word
Used to do and be used to
Verb agreement with troublesome nouns
What versus which
While or whilst?
Why we contract ‘will not’ to ‘won’t’
Words that can cause problems in business writing
WriteAussie – further, lie, towards, dependent
WriteAussie – some Australian and American spelling differences