Online Writing Training
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Adding extra information in sentences
Addressing a couple in correspondence
Are you a cat or dog person?
Blogging fatigue – is it worth it?
Bullet points or prose in executive summaries
Check your tone in emails
Choose words with care in business writing
Choosing topics for blog posts
Dangling modifiers
Dashes, parentheses or commas?
Delete clutter from your writing
Design with words in Microsoft Word
First, second and third person writing
How to improve your business writing
How to write about money in business writing
How to write business emails with an appropriate tone
How to write long sentences well
How to write opening and topic sentences
In defence of the passive voice
Lists: how to punctuate them
Misuse of bullet points
Nominalisation: the power of verbs
Numbering conventions in business writing
Parallelism: match structures in your writing
Referencing styles for writing
Refine your sentences
Sentences: how to improve your sentences
Some of my favourite writing resources
Storytelling in business and copywriting
Styles in modern business writing and copywriting
That: When can you delete ‘that’?
The power of headings in business writing
The singular they
Thirteen tweets on business writing
Titles and headings must engage the reader
Turning verbs into nouns (nominalisation)
Use nonsexist language in business writing
Use the right tone in business writing
Verbing: turning nouns into verbs
What does ‘write for your audience’ mean?
What happens when we overload sentences
When to use the active voice
Words that can cause problems in business writing
Write specific subject lines for emails
Writing difficult emails
Writing letters of complaint